About us

Tortana shipping + Our Tortendeko-shop Store in Bovenden We are a solid family business that has existed in this form since 2013 and is run by my wife and I. We are there for our customers, also personally. We would be happy to advise you if you have any questions or need help with baking. In our shop you can find all items and offers from the range and take them with you immediately. Here you can take our baking accessories into your own hands and convince yourself of the real professional quality. You can also order photo cakes with an edible picture from us. Bring us a photo or email it to us. We print your desired picture with food coloring on edible paper, with text if you like. Please order special cakes or photos at least a week in advance so that we have enough time to fulfill your wishes. A specialty of our house are cakes or pastries for various occasions such as weddings or anniversaries. You can see a small excerpt from our offers under "Creations" in the navigation bar. Just contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

opening hours

Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 13.30

Mon-Fri: 2.30  - 18:00 

Sat from 10.00 - 13.00